Category: News

March 1, 2011 Off

HP integrates 3PAR into storage

By David
Grazed form ComputerWorld.  Author:  Anh Nguyen.

HP has announced the integration of 3PAR’s storage technology into the storage and network stack of its converged infrastructure portfolio, which it says will support customers’ adoption of cloud computing.

The company has combined the 3PAR Utility Storage platform with HP CloudSystem, which it said will equip businesses with a storage system that it is “perfect” for all types of cloud – public, private and hybrid. It also centralises servers, storage and network management.

March 1, 2011 Off

SAP launching rival

By David
Grazed from ComputerWorld.  Author:  Chris Kanaracus.

At the CeBIT show, SAP will show off an upcoming application called Sales OnDemand that could be a potential rival to the likes of and Microsoft CRM Online.

Sales OnDemand is part of a series of on-demand applications SAP is positioning as extensions to its on-premises ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems. The strategy aims to preserve lucrative revenue streams from on-premises software while serving the needs of those same customers, who want to innovate their IT operations through SaaS (software as a service).

March 1, 2011 Off

Link Farming & Other SEO Misdeeds Make Headlines

By David
Grazed from Internet Evolution.  Author: Sean Gallagher.

Back in the early days of search engine optimization (SEO), I accidentally learned the fine art of "Google-bombing." After a colleague had written what I thought was a particularly off-base column, I linked to his article from my personal blog with the phrase, "incredibly idiotic." And others followed in kind. Before long, entering "incredibly idiotic" in Google offered up my colleague at the top of the results.

March 1, 2011 Off

Technology Will Make Collaboration Your Next Competitive Advantage

By David
Grazed from MIT Technology Review.  Author: Jeffrey F. Rayport.

Powerful software and widespread Internet connectivity are making it easier than ever for people to work together no matter where they happen to be. Throughout March we will look at the latest tools for collaboration within and between organizations. We’ll analyze why some technology-enabled collaborations work and why others don’t. We’ll explain why some collaboration tools have failed to prove useful to the employees meant to benefit from them. We’ll present case studies, profiles, and interviews that help you understand how to make the people in your organization more collaborative and more productive.

March 1, 2011 Off

IBM’s Cloud Expansion

By David
Grazed from Forbes.  Author: Quentin Hardy.

IBM is announcing a series of big software products for large scale data centers, designed to speed provisioning and management of thousands of servers, operating in a “cloud” system that efficiently performs diverse tasks  – and, not incidentally, put IBM at the center of a company’s cloud computing resources.

March 1, 2011 Off

Cloud computing market ‘set to mature in NZ’

By David
Grazed from Experian QAS.  Author: James Glass.

New Zealand is set to see its cloud computing market mature over the course of 2011.

This is according to Richard Talbot, solutions director at recruitment company Randstad, who told the NZ Herald that corporate enterprises are showing an increasing amount of interest in the cloud at the moment.

"There are large investments being made in data centres, with web-oriented technologies in extraordinary demand," he explained.