Who Stands to Lose to Nvidia’s New ARM Processor?
There has long been talk that Nvidia wanted into the server CPU business, but most industry watchers believed it would go the x86 route. Instead, it chose ARM, which arguably shakes up the market far more than just another x86 option would have. ARM’s dominance in mobile devices means it is the processor of the future, and its forthcoming Cortex A15 server design is mighty compelling from a power-performance standpoint.
So, who needs to figure out a game plan for combating the Nvidia processor once it’s available (likely in 2013, when Nvidia’s Tesla GPU reaches the “Maxwell” generation)? A few companies spring to mind:
HP’s Open Innovation Strategy: Leveraging Academic Labs
When Rich Friedrich of HP Labs looks into the future, he sees desks used as 3-D displays, printers that automatically tailor a newspaper to a reader’s tastes, faster and more secure cloud computing servers, and wireless nano-sensor networks that monitor the environment.
Solid foundation of data ‘needed to deliver effective IT systems’
Businesses need to work on their data quality strategies in order to ensure they are operating a valuable IT system, it has been suggested.
Writing on the B-Eye Network website, Richard Skriletz, global leader of the Business Intelligence and Data Delivery practice for RCG IT, explained organisations should be looking to develop a "solid foundation of data" in order to make accurate analyses of the information at their disposal.
Raise Your Hand for Cloud Projects and Boost Your Career
I’ve written before that cloud computing seems to be just like high school. Though it might seem like everybody’s doing it, actually a lot more folks are thinking about doing it. Cisco’s latest research in 13 countries found only 18 percent of respondents using cloud computing in some fashion today, but 88 percent expect to take it up within the next three years.
VMware preps public cloud with services
Providing a vital link between internal and external clouds, VMware plans to release in March an adapter for moving virtual machines between a hosted service offering and an organisation’s own internal systems, the company announced Tuesday.
iPad security and the cloud
I was at the airport, standing in line, when I struck up a conversation with a traveller about his iPhone. He discussed its features with me and its ability to harness the internet anytime and anywhere. He indicated that the phone’s simple, elegant, and intuitive interface is a joy.
Gluster pushes storage software to VMware and Amazon
The Gluster open-source file system is following the well-worn path into virtualisation and cloud computing with the introduction on Tuesday of Gluster Virtual Storage Appliances for VMware and for the Amazon Web Services platform.
Blue Coat opens new cloud security platform
Blue Coat Cloud Service (BCCS) has been announced, with Web Security as the first module. The idea is to bring enterprise-class protection to a wider range of customers.
BCCS builds on the company’s WebPulse service that rates web content. Company officials claim there have been no "significant" outages of WebPulse over six years.
Travel company benefits from master data management project
A travel company with more than 25 different brands has benefited from carrying out master data management work.
Alan Cox, director of information management systems at one of the Travel Corporation’s arms Trafalgar, explained to the Computing website that the group has grown through making a number of acquisitions.
He explained the data management project was needed as each of the merged companies had their own systems and databases.