Why DoD Wants Cloud Computing
May 14, 2011Over the past couple of weeks, I have been engaged in a series of discussions that have really highlighted to me the critical issue around why our defense and intelligence agencies are moving so quickly to adopt cloud computing. While the easy answer focuses on cost savings and higher efficiency, the most important explanation is grounded squarely in our need to exploit information faster than our adversaries. Please let me explain.
Information is often the decisive discriminator in modern conflict. Studies of recent mission failures highlighted this fact finding that many of these failures were caused by:
- Existence of data silos;
- Human-based document exploitation process; and
- Reliance on “operationally proven” processes and filters typically used to address the lack of computational power or decision time
Also disturbing is that in most of these cases, that critical piece of information necessary for mission was already possessed. The failure wasn’t in obtaining the information but in locating it and applying it to the mission at hand. Cloud computing uniquely addresses all of these important issues.
Data silos evolved from a system-centric IT procurement policy and an almost reflexive reliance on relational database technology. In developing early data processing systems, the high cost of memory and storage led to a premium being placed on the efficiency of application data access and retrieval. Relational database technology effectively address this need, which in turn led to it pervasive use across government. In modern IT system development, memory and storage are cheap and getting cheaper. This led to Internet scale storage and search paradigms that are today the stuff of everyday use. The world’s largest databases cannot, in fact, be searched quickly using a relational database approach. Today’s ability to search multi-petabyte data stores in milliseconds virtually eliminates the need for data silos. This capability is realized in cloud storage
Documents are the persistent records of human activity. As such, they are used to provide insight into the societal structure and processes of our opponents. Conflict, however, is entity and event centric. The intelligence professional must, therefore, interpret documents and translate that data into operationally relevant entities and events. The time and resource intensive nature of this skillcraft is perfectly suited for the precision search and analytic capabilities of the modern compute cloud. The use of highly standardized and virtualized commodity infrastructure, not only make the automation of this function possible, but it enables real-time continuous processing of the now digital document flow of our adversaries. This also relieves the human from this tedious task, leaving them to apply higher order professional analysis and insight.
The human-based document exploitation process led directly to an institutional reliance on the aforementioned “operationally proven” processes and filters. Instantiated by the use of multi-page SQL queries and the ubiquitous goal of obtaining an appropriate “working set” of data, these time-honored processes were born from the need to meet critical decision timelines within a computationally inadequate environment. Cloud techniques and technologies can now be used to work on all the data. With an ability to leverage the power of a supercomputer at will, the working set requirement is now an anachronism and critical decision timelines can now be more easily met.
Cloud computing is unique in its ability to address these critical defense and intelligence mission needs. That’s why cloud computing is critical to our national defense. As a bonus, cloud computing offers DoD and Intelligence Community agencies the ability to increase efficiencies and incur marked cost savings during their life-cycles to alleviate some of the pressure of budget reductions. Moving IT operations to the cloud also will assist in enhanced collaboration.