Nutanix, Google collaborate in the cloud

June 29, 2017 Off By David

Grazed from ITWire. Author: Editorial Staff.

Enterprise cloud computing company Nutanix has announced a strategic alliance with Google Cloud which the companies say will address technology opportunities for building and operating hybrid clouds combining cloud architectures and scalable public cloud environments. The two companies have also agreed to collaborate on Internet of Things (IoT) use-cases marrying real-time edge intelligence with core cloud computing.

“Hybrid Cloud needs be a two-way street,” said Sudheesh Nair, president, Nutanix. “The strategic alliance with Google demonstrates our commitment to simplify operations for our customers with a single enterprise cloud OS across both private and public clouds – with ubiquity, extensibility and intuitive design.”…

The announcement of the alliance with Google cloud coincided with Nutanix’s announcement that Enterprise Cloud OS would be delivered as a full software stack with new multi-cloud capabilities in Nutanix Calm and a new cloud service called Nutanix Xi Cloud Services…

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