IBM’s Cloud Expansion

March 1, 2011 Off By David
Object Storage
Grazed from Forbes.  Author: Quentin Hardy.

IBM is announcing a series of big software products for large scale data centers, designed to speed provisioning and management of thousands of servers, operating in a “cloud” system that efficiently performs diverse tasks  – and, not incidentally, put IBM at the center of a company’s cloud computing resources.

The added trick, the company says, is that it uniquely helps companies provision and manage between their internal and external resources. Besides companies like Amazon and ATT, which offer computing resources other companies can use, IBM operates its own public cloud, which it is loading with more software (like email and collaboration) that companies can access without the headaches of running it themselves.

“Recently our CFO stated that cloud computing would be worth $7 billion in revenue to IBM by 2015; he’d previously mentioned $3 billion” in incremental revenue, said Ric Telford, IBM vice president of Cloud Services. “It’s a reflection of the growing importance we see cloud computing representing.”

IBM claims that its new software, including products for virtualization and image management, can virtualize a data center “within minutes,” compared to a much longer individual setup process with standard virtualization products. The deployment software, available now in beta, should be a commercial product by the end of the year, according to Telford.

The speed, along with the management between public and private clouds, is likely to be a big differentiator IBM salesmen make against competitors like VMWare and Microsoft.

Cloud is a big deal, for both corporate technologists and the multibillion-dollar companies that supply them. This push for new efficiency has created some $17 billion in spending on cloud-related technologies in 2009, according to research firm IDC, going to $45 billion in 2013. Telford said up to 70% of IBM’s clients plan to have their own private clouds.

As computing systems increasing take on thousands, even a million, different computers at once, operating in a “cloud” of computers deployed for one function, then another, it becomes critical for hardware and software providers to get themselves inserted into the parts that oversee everything else. If you do not, you are a commodity that can be swapped in and out of the system, and your margins start to shrink.

Typically this means owning the management layer, through virtualization, though of course companies like Cisco make a case for the network among computers as the critical part. EMC will even tell you it’s about storage, and dynamic data. What the heck, it means they are all building products that are more aware and faster-responding within the overall network, to our benefit.

IBM seems interested in owning both the management, and the mindshare of top executives who worry about both efficiency and maintaining effective security and governance policies. That means offloading some scut work to public clouds, while retaining internal policies around data quality. As IBM builds out its own public cloud, it is likely to stress this “cheaper, with peace of mind” approach more often.

IBM’s new software is still a “one at a time” provisioning approach, just really fast. IBM says it can deploy a single virtual machine in seconds, dozens in a few minutes and thousands in under an hour. The image management part of the software means that the machines can be quickly reconfigured to carry out different tasks.