How to handle the politics of cloud resistance

December 13, 2016 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from InfoWorld. Author: David Linthicum.

Why do cloud projects fail? Why does cloud technology not meet expectations? Why are security models are not transferable to the cloud? How did you end up with performance issues that can’t be fixed? The answer is usually this: resistance from your colleagues. The overwhelming issues that I run into when helping clients move to cloud computing are never the technology — those issues are easily fixed. It’s the people issues.

But don’t despair because there are some actions you can take. Most cloud computing projects threaten someone in the organization. No matter if they admit it or not, or if their lives will actually change or not, the core idea of public cloud computing is to remove some of the control that your colleagues may currently have. At the heart of cloud resistance is insecurity…

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