Happy 17th Annual SysAdmin Day!

July 29, 2016 Off By David
Object Storage

To the majority of the world, today is just another day; perhaps a little extra exciting because it’s a Friday. But, in the world of IT, today is THE day, System Administrator Appreciation Day! The role of a SysAdmin is perhaps one of the most behind the scenes, yet tremendously important jobs out there, and today is the one day SysAdmins are brought into the spotlight and recognized for being "heroic men and women who, come rain or shine, prevent disasters, keep IT secure and put out tech fires left and right," as stated on SysAdminDay.com.  

Recognizing the important role SysAdmins play in their own businesses, industry leaders and vendors across the board are weighing in on the 17th Annual "holiday."


"We feel the pain of system administrators every day, but today, specifically, we salute you. You have to deal with frustrated users making all kinds of demands and assuming that no matter what mistake they have made you can fix it. One question sysadmins are constantly plagued with is – ‘Can you restore my deleted/corrupted or infected file?’. Traditionally this is easier said than done, which is why we ensured, this year, that they could actually say ‘yes’ – even if Ransomware has hit." – Rob Strechay, VP of Product Management, Zerto

"System administrators (sysadmins) never have enough hours in the day, they face constant requests and are under tremendous pressure to keep IT environments up and running 24/7. Keeping mission-critical systems online at the best of times is tough, but sysadmins are facing a continuous battle as IT environments evolve and virtual workloads expand. So today we salute you, the unsung heroes of IT, for everything you do. And we promise to continue to partner with you to make storage simple, effective and manageable." – Chuck Dubuque, Senior Director, Product and Solution Marketing, Tintri

"I don’t know if that name ‘system administrator’ accurately describes the daily routines of these savvy techs who, like backup admins, are only recognized when things go wrong, not for all of the good we don’t notice as they keep things running. These IT Pro’s must be on-time, on-point and online 24x7x365. In my career I’ve done nothing but learn from these guys – so, thank you! vAdmins in particular have become the heroes of business because they have figured out how to accelerate their productivity through the use of the latest technology, and have a level of sophistication that helps them to cope with the speed at which things are changing in the technology market. This change will progressively happen more frequently and working smarter will mean more automation. We see this in VDI, as some admins have automated testing, deployment and troubleshooting as a part of the VDI Lifecycle, so that they can work on enhancing the system and not just fixing it. So, to the end-users that want to leave their broken laptop on their sys-admin’s chair with a note that says ‘fix it’, help us celebrate sys-admin’s day by writing a little more to tell them what’s broken and letting them know how much you love them." – Blair Parkhill, director of products, Login VSI

So take some time today to show your appreciation for the SysAdmins in your life. Whether it’s a simple hello, buying them lunch or even throwing them a party, SysAdmins everywhere will appreciate being recognized for both the stress-inducing challenges and mundane, clock-ticking tasks that fill their days.