Cloud Computing: Under Pressure, IT May Need to Fail Fast With Some Projects

May 23, 2017 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from InformationWeek. Author: Charles Babcock.

It used to be that every IT technology project needed to be a business — to have a business justification. Now, every new business project "needs to be a technology," noted Mark Tonsetic, analyst with the CEB unit of Gartner. "Digital is the new battleground" in the evolution of the modern enterprise, he said, and even the CEO wants a story to tell Wall Street about how his company is going digital. For optimists, that means new revenue opportunities and short time to market for new products. For pessimists, it means the company may not stave off disruption but at least it’s making a move to avoid it.

Tonsectic described how CIOs and IT directors might navigate these newly choppy and hazardous waters in a session at Interop ITX on May 19, How The Cloud Is Changing IT Investment Plans. The goal isn’t to make just the right investment in cloud. It’s to fit cloud into an IT ecosystem that has all the right components needed by the transforming company, he said…

In an interview before Interop ITX, Tonsetic noted that cloud is already included in the investment planning of most companies. The degree of investment depends on how much the cloud is judged to be helping the company make its own transformation to the digital economy…

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