Cloud Computing Advantages to Businesses

December 25, 2016 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from TechFeatured. Author: Editorial Staff.

From the ‘buzz’ word in the computing world, cloud computing has matured as a full-fledged business strategy that holds many advantages and applications. Even now a lot of enhancements and innovations are going on to make The services faster, better and safer. This article analyses that applications and advantages of cloud computing from a business point-of-view.

In simplest words, cloud computing is the utilization of internet for computing requirements. In an ideal atmosphere businesses only need devices and connectivity to internet. Data, software, applications, storage, networking, security and everything else will be made available to you by your cloud service provider. Currently there is a range of cloud services are available on pay-as-you-go, rental, prepaid and annual fee basis…

Some most common cloud applications include Software as a Service or SaaS, Cloud hosting & storage, Security as a Service or SECaaS, Infrastructure as a Service or IaaS, Backup as a Service, Platform as a Service or PaaS, Monitoring as a Service or MaaS and Communication as a Service or CaaS…

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