Category: News

August 17, 2010 Off

Eucalyptus, rPath Back a New Private Cloud Effort

By David
Grazed from GigaOM.  Author: Om Malik.

NewScale, rPath and Eucalyptus Systems are working on a new self service, private cloud initiative which is going to be announced on August 24. This new effort is going to an integrated offering that is targeting hybrid and private clouds. This will be yet another offering that would perhaps compete with a whole series of companies and efforts, including the open source cloud stack, OpenStack. More details will likely emerge around the time of VMworld 2010.

August 16, 2010 Off

Putting the Cloud to Use for Video Encoding

By David
Grazed from GigaOM.  Author: Gary Orenstein.

In a world with millions of different mobile devices, televisions, screen sizes and video formats, something has to give. But instead of giving in, device proliferation combined with content producers’ desire to deliver clean video is giving rise to a new market for hosted video encoding, sometimes called transcoding. The goal is simple: provide the right format to the right screen at the right time without requiring content producers to invest in infrastructure. Done right, content producers should be able to dial up a video encoding service in the cloud.

August 16, 2010 Off

Murphy’s Law of Disaster Recovery Strikes Retailer

By David
Grazed from Internet Evolution.  Author: Sean Gallagher.

In July, American Eagle Outfitters — which has a market capitalization of $2.52 billion — had the sort of apocalyptic outage that many companies fear. Its e-commerce site was down for eight days. Both a primary and a secondary storage system failed, backups wouldn’t restore properly, and a disaster recovery site wasn’t provisioned properly.

These are the sorts of nightmare scenarios that drive many companies to turn to outsourcers, data center specialists that have the resources to protect against this sort of worst-case scenario.

August 16, 2010 Off

Google Buys Jambool to Rival Facebook Credits

By David
Grazed from eWeek.  Author: Clint Boulton.

Google confirmed that it acquired Jambool, whose Solid Gold platform provides a virtual currency service for providers of online games and others who want to put payment options in their applications.

TechCrunch broke the news Aug. 9, saying the deal was worth $70 million. Jambool and Google confirmed the deal Aug. 13.

Jambool’s Solid Gold virtual payment platform lets application developers insert payment options into online games and other applications.