Category: News

March 10, 2011 Off

Public cloud computing ‘can suit growing mobile usage’

By David
Grazed from Experian QAS.  Author: James Glass.

IT organisations are turning to public cloud computing services when they come to launch mobile applications designed for multiple devices.

According to Mike Vizard, a columnist for IT Business Edge, there is a growing market for these apps, with the cloud being viewed by many as a good system for hosting them.

"Because no one is actually sure how well or how popular a new mobile application is going to be, a lot of IT organisations see public clouds as the perfect place to deploy these applications," he said.

March 10, 2011 Off

Physicists Build Single Atom Memory For Quantum Information

By David
Grazed from MIT Technology Review.  Author: KFC.

One of the building blocks for the next generation of quantum computing and communications systems is a way of storing and regenerating photonic qubits. These are generally encoded in the polarisation of photons.

To date, physicists have done this by transferring the qubit from a photon to an ensemble of quantum particles such as a crystal lattice or a small cloud of atoms.

March 10, 2011 Off

Fusion-io Files for an IPO. Translation: Please Buy Us

By David
Grazed from GigaOM.  Author: Stacey Higginbotham.

Fusion-io, the company making enterprise class solid state hard drives, has filed to raise up to $150 million through an initial public offering, the most recent in a spate of IPO filings out of the tech industry. However, unlike Pandora or LinkedIn, Fusion-io is a much younger company making hardware that underlies some of the fast web services booming on the web today. The company recently bragged that it has shipped more than 15 petabytes of storage on its drives, which are found in data centers belonging to Facebook, Myspace and others.

March 9, 2011 Off

How Mobile Applications Force Cloud Computing Decisions

By David
Grazed from IT Business Edge.  Author: Michael Vizard.

In terms of application development, mobile computing has been a boon to IT. Most IT organizations either have rolled out or are planning to roll out multiple mobile computing applications on multiple devices.

As “green field” applications, the inevitable question that comes up is where to host these applications and, increasingly, the answer is on public cloud infrastructure. That may, of course, not be a permanent state of affairs. But because no one is actually sure how well or how popular a new mobile application is going to be, a lot of IT organizations see public clouds as the perfect place to deploy these applications.

March 9, 2011 Off

Master data management programmes ‘contribute to business success’

By David
Grazed from Experian QAS.  Author: Neil Hill.

Companies which have master data management strategies in place can expect to be more successful in how their business operates and ensuring their records are accurate.

This is according to a new study from the Aberdeen Group, which found organisations that performed best in the field of master data management avoided problems with inaccurate information affecting their business decisions.

They also had higher product sales than less well-organised competitors.

March 9, 2011 Off

Tools Help Jump the Gap to Mobile Apps

By David
Grazed from Internet Evolution.  Author: Sean Gallagher.

Right now, your vice president of sales is looking at the iPad 2 and drooling. Or maybe that Pavlovian response is being elicited by the BlackBerry PlayBook, or the Motorola Xoom, or any of the herd of other tablets and smartphones that will be unleashed on the market any day now. Whichever it is, he’ll want sales apps for it, and access to back-end data. And whichever one his salivary glands are working overtime over, you can count on it being the one that you weren’t planning on supporting.