Author: David

October 7, 2010 Off

Indian outsourcer Tata offers cloud computing services

By David
Grazed from ComputerWorld.  Author:  John Riberio.

India’s Tata Communications is offering cloud based computing infrastructure services in India, with plans to extend the services to other markets including the US, Europe, Singapore and South Africa. The new InstaCompute service, launched on Thursday, takes advantage of Tata Communications’ investment in global communications infrastructure, managed services, and data centres, Vinod Kumar, president and COO of Tata Communications said at a press conference in Mumbai.

October 7, 2010 Off

Ubuntu 10.10 desktop reaches through the cloud

By David
Grazed from ZDNet.  Author: Ben Woods.

The software, also known as Maverick Meerkat, will be versions 10.10 of the Linux distribution, the company said on Thursday. They will be available for free download from 10 October, sidestepping the usual Thursday release window to tie the launch in with the 10/10/10 date stamp.

October 7, 2010 Off

Software-as-a-service solutions ‘enabling enterprise collaboration’

By David
Grazed from Experian QAS.  Author: James Glass.

Software-as-a-service solutions are allowing companies to work more effectively while also cutting IT costs.

This is the suggestion of IT Pro Portal columnist James Nixon, who stated that such cloud-based services are helping to "revolutionise" technology for both personal and business users.

"Hosted apps known as ‘software-as-a-service’ … enable workers to collaborate, sharing documents and spreadsheets online," he pointed out.

Mr Nixon added that such offerings frequently have an impact on a company’s bottom line.

October 7, 2010 Off

Heterogenous Mobile Computing Meets the Federated Cloud

By David
Grazed from IT Business Edge.  Author: Michael Vizard.

Most people fail to realize that cloud computing was made for mobile computing devices. Just about every user of a mobile computing device touches a cloud service somewhere.


But all those cloud computing services are silos of data. Syncplicity, which offers a file-synchronization service for mobile computing devices, heralds a future when this issue will be overcome because files can be synchronized using a Syncplicity service hosted on an Amazon cloud and with GoogleDocs applications.


October 6, 2010 Off

Rethinking Storage for the Private Cloud

By David
Grazed from E-Commerce Times.  Author: Jim Damoulakis.

Recent events have added further credence (if more was needed) to the growing body of evidence that — despite the boundless hype — cloud computing is a game-changing phenomenon that is having an impact on how people think about enterprise storage.

October 6, 2010 Off

BMC buys Neptuny Software

By David
Grazed from ComputerWorld.  Author:  Joab Jackson.

Business service management software provider BMC has acquired the software business of Neptuny Software, a provider of capacity management and IT performance optimisation software, the companies announced Tuesday. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

BMC will fold Neptuny’s Caplan line of capacity management software into its own BSM portfolio and cloud management offerings. Neptuny’s Consulting Services business unit was not included in the purchase. That unit has been re-established as an independent company under the new brand Moviri.

October 6, 2010 Off

Another Wave of Infrastructure Apps

By David
Grazed from GigaOM.  Author: Gary Orenstein.

Recently, I took a look at the arrival of infrastructure apps. In the past, application developers often had to build a host of additional supporting functions, many of which required their own physical infrastructure. Today’s cloud computing platforms give rise to a new class of web-accessible application support functions, aka infrastructure apps, that replace costly integrated hardware and software.

For this round, I’ll look at companies that share these common themes: