Author: David

November 18, 2010 Off

Data quality failures ‘lead to business problems’

By David
Grazed from Experian QAS.  Author: James Glass.

A failure to meet data quality requirements can lead to difficulties for organisations further down the line, it has been asserted.

Writing for B-Eye Network, David Loshin, president of consultancy company Knowledge Integrity, said business problems can be "directly related" to poor data quality.

He stated the use of flawed information makes it more difficult to achieve critical business objectives.

But Mr Loshin added data quality improvements can help to tackle any problems in this area.

November 18, 2010 Off

Datapipe Looks To Cloud With Amazon Web Services Management

By David
Grazed from CRN.  Author: Andrew R. Hickey.

Global managed service provider Datapipe this week is looking skyward with the launch of a new set of management servers around Amazon (NSDQ:AMZN)’s popular cloud computing infrastructure, Amazon Web Services.

November 18, 2010 Off

Europe’s top 25 cloud start-ups battle it out in VC beauty contest

By David
Grazed from ComputerWorld.  Author:  Mike Simons.

Twenty five of Europe’s most innovative cloud computing companies will be pitching to an audience of elite venture capital firms and tech industry executives for the next two days at the European Tech Tour Association (ETT) Cloud and ICT 2.0 in Lausanne, Switzerland.

The Summit aims to be a catalyst for the cloud computing industry in Europe, and aims to assist high-growth start-ups to expand globally by introducing them to potential investors and partners.

The 25 companies presenting were whittled down from an initial list of 234 rapidly growing cloud computing companies across Europe.

November 17, 2010 Off

Effective data management ‘requires several strategies’

By David
Grazed from Experian QAS.  Author: Neil Hill.

Companies looking to improve their data management standards in terms of business intelligence need to pursue several different strategies, it has been advised.

According to IT Business Edge blogger Loraine Lawson, organisations are gradually beginning to realise that they will not be able to make use of clean and integrated data without putting in some hard work first.

She said the messages that have been put across by data management experts appear to be getting through to businesses.

November 17, 2010 Off

Sky’s the limit for TechnologyOne software rebuild

By David
Grazed from IT Wire.  Author: Gordon Peters.

Announcing the complete re-engineering of the company’s software ‘from the ground up’, TechnologyOne chairman, Adrian Di Marco, said today the new cloud computing strategy would help its customers “migrate to realise major operating and capital expenditure savings.”

November 16, 2010 Off

Cloud market triples in four years

By David
Grazed from IT Wire.  Author: Beverley Head.

While previously most cost saving debate about the cloud has focussed on the ability to cut capital expenditure by using a cloud service, Gartner vice president Nick Jones, today said that some organisations were “saving 50 per cent of their operational costs,” by moving to the cloud.

This saving he said was increasingly being seen as a source of innovation funding for CIOs who were still strapped for cash.

As a result demand for cloud computing services will grow at more than 20 per cent over the next four years, reaching $US150 billion by 2014 – three times the market’s current size – according to Gartner.

November 15, 2010 Off

IBM & Friends Tackle Future Of Cloud Storage

By David
Grazed from Network Computing.  Author: Steve Wexler.

IBM has announced plans to develop a smart cloud storage architecture over the next three years. The EU-funded joint research initiative, estimated at $21.5M, involves 15 European partners. Called VISION Cloud — Virtualized Storage Services for the Future Internet – the group plans to develop a new approach, where data is represented by smart objects that include rich information describing the content of the data and how the object should be handled, replicated, or backed up.