Author: David

April 20, 2011 Off

Google Sells Its Mighty Cloud

By David
Grazed from Forbes.  Author:  Quentin Hardy.

Google is out to sell the world, and more computing power than most of us can imagine.

The company just announced what it calls “Earth Builder,” a cloud-based mapping service that gives companies secure access to the search giant’s petabytes of geographic data, upon which they can lay their own proprietary information and make maps and global models for internal corporate consumption. The product will be available in the third quarter, though Google is sounding out companies now.

April 20, 2011 Off

Companies should remember the basics for protecting contact data

By David
Grazed from Experian QAS.  Author: Editorial Staff.

Many companies are neglecting to remember the basics of data protection in practices of address verification and validating email addresses, according to deputy information commissioner David Smith.

Mr Smith spoke at the Infosecurity Europe Event to say that he thought companies around the world were spending too much time focusing on technical security and not enough on data.

He blamed staff awareness and training for the failings in this area, v3 reported.

April 19, 2011 Off

Cloud Security

By David
Grazed from MIT Technology Review.  Author: Editorial Staff.

A prototype system allows companies that use cloud computing services to confirm that their data is safe from others using the same service provider. It can detect with 80 percent accuracy the presence of unauthorized processing on the same server; the rate of false positives is 1 percent. The system will notice both attackers and inappropriate data sharing.

April 19, 2011 Off

Homomorphic Encryption

By David
Grazed from MIT Technology Review.  Author: Erica Naone.

Craig Gentry is creating an encryption system that could solve the problem keeping many organizations from using cloud computing to analyze and mine data: it’s too much of a security risk to give a public cloud provider such as Amazon or Google access to unencrypted data.

April 19, 2011 Off

The Cloud: Soft and Fluffy or a Serious Contender?

By David
Grazed from Virtual Strategy Magazine.  Author: Andy Cordial.

With what appears to be limitless storage options, for many the cloud is an attractive proposition. It offers savings to organisations looking to cut down the premium space they need to store data centres, and it can increase efficiency with data and applications shared over the internet. However, with questions still remaining over its security, how can organisations best utilise this exciting resource?

When you board an aeroplane you’re asked to buckle your seat belt and listen to an important safety announcement. The same is true before you propel your data down the runway and jet it into the cloud.

So, what’s in our safety demonstration:

April 19, 2011 Off

Marketo Names Fergus Gloster Managing Director of Europe Middle East Africa

By David
Grazed from Destination CRM.  Author: Brittany Farb.

Marketo yesterday announced the appointment of Fergus Gloster as its managing director of Europe Middle East Africa (EMEA). Gloster will be in charge of revenue generation for the cloud computing company’s European operation, which includes sales, marketing, customer success, and renewals. He also will put together the Marketo EMEA team and oversee operations, including all revenue-generating activities.

April 18, 2011 Off

Hard Problems, Elegant Solutions, Big Impact

By David
Grazed from MIT Technology Review.  Author: Jason Pontin.

Every year, Technology Review selects the 10 emerging technologies we think have the greatest potential to transform the world. Judging by Web traffic and by newsstand sales of the printed magazine, it is one of our most popular recurring features. But while readers like the 10 technologies, I don’t know if they always understand our choices.