Author: David

July 31, 2011 Off

Investing: Is there sunshine ahead for cloud computing?

By David
Grazed from Los Angeles Times.  Author: Andrew Leckey.

Cloud computing, which supplies on-demand hosted services over the Internet, requires only that its clients have a computer and Internet access. It handles the functions traditionally performed by a firm’s in-house hardware and software.

The global cloud-computing market is expected to reach $241 billion in 2020, up from $41 billion in 2010, according to Forrester Research. That long-term potential is reflected in the highflying stocks of companies actively involved in the concept…

July 31, 2011 Off

Cloud is moving from boardroom conversations to reality

By David
Grazed from The Financial Express.  Author: Dhruv Singhal.

The market has been abuzz with news about the potential of cloud computing in the past few years, but really, it is embracing an evolution of sorts for enterprise businesses, one where the cloud is moving from boardroom conversations to reality. We envisage the journey to the cloud as a phased one.

In their journey to the cloud—more of an evolutionary process and not triggered by any particular development or revolution—many organisations have consistently explored opportunities to strengthen their existing technology infrastructure to ensure they become a better internal service provider for various lines of business and organisational departments. Clearly, the objective has been to provide greater agility and responsiveness to business needs, higher quality of service in terms of latency & availability, and lower costs and higher utilisation…

July 31, 2011 Off

Eze Castle Integration Advances Cloud Computing For More Than 100 Customers

By David
Grazed from PRWeb.  Author: PR Announcement.

Eze Castle Integration, Inc., a leading provider of IT services, technology and consulting to hedge funds and investment firms, today announced it has increased its cloud computing customer base to more than 130 financial industry firms. These clients, eager to take advantage of the simplicity and cost savings of cloud computing, selected Eze Castle for the company’s pioneering work in delivering a broad range of IT applications and proven strategic services via the cloud…

July 31, 2011 Off

Cloud computing next ‘big thing’

By David
Grazed from Manila Bulletin Publishing Company.  Author: Emmie V. Abadilla.

Cloud computing is the next biggest thing after the invention of paper and printing, according to Trend Micro CEO Eva Chen, addressing the 2011 Asia Pacific Media Conference in Tokyo the other day…

July 30, 2011 Off

How Cloud Computing Will Change IT: New Predictions

By David
Grazed from PCWorld.  Author: Bernard Golden.

IT is in a time of disruptive transition, caused by the rise of cloud computing. CIOs are in the midst of a maelstrom, and–like Ulysses, the fabled hero from Homer’s Odyssey–are torn between the Scylla of established IT practices and the Charybdis of the future, both of which loom dangerously and portend trouble. Also like Ulysses, many CIOs must inure themselves to the din of tempting Sirens: the vendors who sing a sweet song of painless cloud transformation, made possible by the purchase of some software, or hardware, or a set of cloud services…

July 30, 2011 Off

How the Cloud Ultimately Improves the User Experience

By David
Grazed from IT Business Edge.  Author: Michael Vizard.

One of the things that has always been problematic for IT organizations is that there has always been a marked difference between what the application management dashboards have been telling them and what end users were actually experiencing.


July 30, 2011 Off

One Tool to Rule Virtual and Physical Servers All

By David
Grazed from IT Business Edge.  Author: Michael Vizard.

In a lot of large IT organizations, virtualization grew up as a separate discipline, resulting in separate management teams to administer virtual and physical servers.


But as virtual servers become more common, large IT organizations are reintegrating these management teams, resulting in many of them looking for tools that will allow them to simultaneously manage both virtual and physical servers under a common management framework.

July 29, 2011 Off

Amazon cloud hosts nasty banking trojan

By David
Grazed from The Register.  Author: Dan Goodin.

Amazon’s cloud storage service has been caught hosting services used to control the notorious SpyEye banking trojan, researchers said.

Data compiled by antivirus provider Kaspersky Lab over a 11-day period in July showed Amazon’s Simple Storage Service being used regularly to host SpyEye command and control channels. The botnet operators are most likely using victims’ pilfered financial data to set up fraudulent Amazon Web Services accounts, researcher Jorge Mieres wrote.