5 Ways Machine Learning Has Influenced The Modern Cloud

April 3, 2017 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from Forbes. Author: Editorial Staff.

The cloud computing industry is going through a gradual shift towards becoming an intelligent cloud. While compute, storage, and networking continue to be the revenue spinners for cloud vendors, it is Machine Learning that is becoming the focal point of the contemporary cloud.

Cognitive Computing

Cognitive Computing aims to bring sensory capabilities to applications. It enables apps to see, listen, talk, and even make decisions. Based on natural language processing, visual recognition, face detection, emotion detection, video analytics, text to speech, speech to text, language translation, and sentiment analysis, Cognitive Computing empowers developers with simple APIs…

By consuming these services, applications become capable of delivering natural user experiences. Behind the scenes, it is Machine Learning that applies a variety of algorithms to provide these powerful cognitive capabilities…

Read more from the source @ https://www.forbes.com/sites/janakirammsv/2017/04/03/5-ways-machine-learning-has-influenced-the-modern-cloud/#191c8bec113a