Teradata launches licence portability for hybrid cloud computing

April 3, 2017 Off By David

Grazed from Teradata. Author: Editorial Staff.

The US-based data and analytics company Teradata has introduced licence portability for hybrid cloud computing for its customers. With portable database licenses, Teradata customers can now choose, shift, expand, and restructure their hybrid cloud environment by moving licenses between deployment options as their business needs change, that is, between keeping this data on-premises or on cloud or on both.

This new software licensing model is the first in the hybrid cloud market to feature portability — a shift away from cloud lock-in or siloed on-premises deployments. With this new facility, Teradata’s customers can develop an analytic solution on the on-premises system — Intelliflex — and later port the same to the cloud facility, Intellicloud…

Sunil Jose, Managing Director, Teradata India, said: The new facility "delivers lower up-front costs and, with a consistent operating expenses model, makes it easier for customers to budget and predict spending patterns."…

Read more from the source @ http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/info-tech/teradata-launches-licence-portability-for-hybrid-cloud-computing-for-customers/article9613165.ece