November 9, 2010 Off

Software-as-a-service solutions ‘reduce IT workload’

By David
Grazed from Experian QAS.  Author: Neil Hill.

Companies which decide to start using software-as-a-service solutions will be able to reduce the workload facing their IT department, it has been explained.

Writing for ZDNet, Ali Hedayati, president and chief operating officer of Coradiant, said that more and more businesses will start using the technology in the next few years, with this upturn being driven by economic and operational factors.

He pointed out that the pay-as-you-go business model in operation for software-as-a-service solutions means low upfront costs for organisations which choose to use the technology.

November 9, 2010 Off

Gartner: Companies need shift in private cloud security

By David
Grazed from ComputerWorld.  Author:  Antony Savvas.

The security systems of businesses must "evolve" as they move from virtualised data centres towards private cloud infrastructures, according to analysts at Gartner.

Gartner predicts that by 2015, 40 percent of the security controls used within enterprise data centres will be virtualised, up from less than five percent in 2010.

November 9, 2010 Off

NASA wants its data in open source cloud

By David
Grazed from ComputerWorld.  Author: Patrick Thibodeau.

NASA is backing open-source cloud computing with a single goal in mind: to stick to space exploration and stop running data centres.

Chris Kemp, NASA’s chief technology officer, said the agency’s long-term plan is to move internal IT resources to external clouds over the next 10 to 20 years.

November 9, 2010 Off

Forrester: Sourcing departments fear loss of control with SaaS

By David
Grazed from ComputerWorld.  Author: Leo King.

Businesses’ traditional sourcing departments fear a loss of control of software-as-a-service systems, Forrester analysts have warned ahead of a major conference next week.

Vendor management needs to be transformed to cope with the vast changes brought about by SaaS, the analysts warned.

Liz Herbert, a principal analyst at the company who will speak on day one of Forrester’s Sourcing and Vendor Management Forum in London, said sourcing and vendor management teams were struggling to cope with user self-provisioned technology – including SaaS and Web 2.0.

November 9, 2010 Off

App Organizes the World Inside Your Smart Phone

By David
Grazed from MIT Technology Review.  Author: Tom Simonite.

Facebook encourages us to create a social network including everyone we know. But it only captures one slice of our social lives. Our social connections and conversations sprawl across many other forms of communication, including face-to-face chat, e-mail, phone calls, and text messages.

Much of these communications is increasingly channeled through one device: the smart phone. A new app from a startup called Aro exploits this fact by digesting everything that takes place on a phone—from e-mails to call logs—to learn about all of your connections and friendships, and to track relationships that span different forms of communication.

November 9, 2010 Off

PiCloud, Python-Based Cloud Funded By Greylock, KPCB

By David
Grazed from GigaOM.  Author: Om Malik.

PiCloud, a Sunnyvale, Calif.-based company that’s developing a python-based platform as a service (PaaS) has raised $1.4 million in its first round of funding. Investors in the company, co-founded by UC Berkeley graduates Ken Elkabany (CEO) and Aaron Staley, include Greylock Ventures, Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers and Andreessen Horowitz.