November 20, 2010 Off

Brennan wins five year, $5m contract

By David
Grazed from IT Wire.  Author: Gordon Peters.

The contract, valued at about $1 million a year, requires Brennan to provide Northline with a hosted managed service, including servers, a national private network linking all Northline offices and telecommunications infrastructure that allows for portable personalised numbers and videoconferencing.

Northline CEO Craige Whitton, said the new technology infrastructure, backed by fully redundant Brennan IT data centres in Sydney and Brisbane, would allow the company to deploy the latest release software without any disruption.

November 20, 2010 Off

Google Apps for Business users gain access to ‘full spectrum’ of consumer apps

By David
Grazed from IT Wire.  Author: Stephen Withers.

Google has dramatically increased the functionality available to its commercial Google Apps customers by including its previously consumer-oriented applications such as Picasa Web Albums, Google Voice, Reader, and Blogger.

The significance is mainly that the change allows administrators to specify that groups have access to particular applications, as the additional apps are still only provided on a ‘best effort’ basis, with no guaranteed service levels or phone support.

November 20, 2010 Off

Microsoft Update Integrates Cloud, On-Premise Processing

By David
Grazed from IT Business Edge.  Author: Loraine Lawson.

I talk a lot about integration between the cloud and on-premise, but, by and large, that’s about integrating data. But when it comes to processing power, as far as I can tell, you pretty much have a choice: You’re on-premise or you’re off-premise, with something like Amazon EC2.


Microsoft, rather smartly, just added another option: Do both.


November 19, 2010 Off

Cloud Computing Customers Say Channel Partners Aren’t Prepared

By David
Grazed from CRN.  Author: Andrew R. Hickey.

Nearly two-thirds of enterprises feel their channel partners aren’t adequately prepared to support their cloud computing endeavors, a recent survey by research firm Chadwick Martin Bailey (CMB) has found.

In its recent CMB Tech Pulse survey, the firm asked 247 IT decision makers from companies of various sizes to share their thoughts on cloud computing.

November 18, 2010 Off

Business Consultants: MIA in the Cloud

By David
Grazed from IT Business Edge.  Author: Michael Vizard.

With the rise of cloud computing it will become more practical to execute any number of business processes. The problem is that most businesses today are not exactly sure what those business processes might be.


November 18, 2010 Off

Data quality failures ‘lead to business problems’

By David
Grazed from Experian QAS.  Author: James Glass.

A failure to meet data quality requirements can lead to difficulties for organisations further down the line, it has been asserted.

Writing for B-Eye Network, David Loshin, president of consultancy company Knowledge Integrity, said business problems can be "directly related" to poor data quality.

He stated the use of flawed information makes it more difficult to achieve critical business objectives.

But Mr Loshin added data quality improvements can help to tackle any problems in this area.

November 18, 2010 Off

Datapipe Looks To Cloud With Amazon Web Services Management

By David
Grazed from CRN.  Author: Andrew R. Hickey.

Global managed service provider Datapipe this week is looking skyward with the launch of a new set of management servers around Amazon (NSDQ:AMZN)’s popular cloud computing infrastructure, Amazon Web Services.