Messaging and Unified Communications in the Cloud Today
There’s a lot of discussion about unified messaging and communications in the cloud these days, but there seems to be more talk than action. Beyond basic messaging services from Google and Microsoft, there are very few robust unified messaging and unified communications offerings for the enterprise that are delivered as a true multi-tenant service in the cloud.
SpotCloud: It’s a Market, Not a Cloud
White hat hacker Mafiaboy casts doubt on cloud computing security
Michael Calce, the reformed hacker from Montreal who will forever be known as Mafiaboy, told a group of IT professionals Tuesday that he has serious concerns about the inherent vulnerabilities in the latest evolution of information technology: cloud computing.
Public Cloud Not Widely Used — Yet
The cloud is a topic that is top of mind for many in enterprise IT, but how widely is it actually being deployed now? Networking vendor Cisco this week issued a pair of separate studies looking at cloud and virtualization deployments which may shed some light.
Red Hat Acquires Makara in Cloud Dev Tools Play
Software-as-a-service content ‘can be viewed on iPads’
An increasing number of business users are employing iPads to view content from software-as-a-service products.
This is according to Windows IT Pro commentator Jeff James, who explained while the majority of the tablet PCs have been sold to consumers, companies are increasingly seeing the potential of the Apple devices.
He said both software-as-a-service and cloud computing applications can be accessed from the iPad, making it an important product for many employees.
A Greener Cloud for All IT
It’s taken as an article of faith that cloud computing will reduce greenhouse emissions across the IT industry. However, there has been very little analysis with regard to shifting the environmental burden from the enterprise to a dedicated cloud industry.
Seven Social Transformations Unleashed by Mobile Devices
This Big Picture essay wraps up our month-long special report on the Mobile Enterprise. Starting tomorrow, the entire report will be available only as a premium publication (in PDF format) for those who pay to receive it.
Today’s mobile device is the new personal computer. The average smart phone is as powerful as a high-end Mac or PC of less than a decade ago. And as billions of people worldwide rely on these ultra-compact machines for more and more tasks, the mobile device might qualify as humankind’s primary tool.
Vast Majority of Enterprises Will Deploy Clouds by 2015
New TwinStrata and Scality partnership delivers turnkey private cloud storage solutions
TwinStrata, Inc., the leading innovator in data protection and iSCSI cloud storage solutions, has integrated Scality’s RING storage platform into its family of CloudArray virtual and physical appliances. With the addition of Scality integration, CloudArray customers can now easily choose and deploy either a private cloud environment or connect with internationally available public cloud providers powered by Scality RING and receive off-site data protection and disaster recovery capabilities on a "plug-and-play" basis.
TwinStrata’s CloudArray’s "like local" performance, control, and policy-driven automation enables Scality customers to leverage the on-demand elasticity and adaptability of Scality’s RING cloud storage through innovative asynchronous replication, in-cloud snapshots, dynamic caching, in-flight and at-rest encryption, compression, iSCSI, and continuous access to and control of data in the cloud. In the event of a disruption or an outage, data can be rapidly restored on-site, off-site, or in the cloud, providing secure, anywhere, anytime application and data accessibility…