August 15, 2011 Off

Joyent Open Sources SmartOS for the Cloud

By David
Grazed from Data Center Knowledge.  Author: Colleen Miller.

Having open-sourced Node.js and seen the positive reception to Facebook’s Open Compute platform, Joyent is continuing in the open source tradition and releasing the source code of SmartOS, the operating system behind its cloud computing offerings.

Joyent developed SmartOS as a new complete cloud software stack. Today, it has ported KVM (Kernel Virtual Machine) to its SmartOS operating system and open sourced the code, making it freely available via download and launching a community that will continue the collaboration on the project…

August 15, 2011 Off

Next-Generation IT: Why We Need A Cloud Middleman

By David
Grazed from Forbes.  Author: Eric Savitz.

The Internet has removed the middleman in many ways. It’s a natural tool for disintermediation, allowing passengers to book their own plane tickets, readers to create their own clipping services or candidates to find their own job openings. But just as public cloud computing has brought the power of the Internet to large businesses, it has also created the need for a new type of middleman – what Gartner has called a cloud services brokerage

August 15, 2011 Off

Pressure systems: Who is driving cloud adoption?

By David
Grazed from IT News.  Author: Rob Livingstone.

The democratisation or consumerisation of IT

Some IT industry commentators and analysts have been drawing analogies between cloud computing and technologies such as electric power for a number of years.

Nicholas Carr predicted the consumerisation of IT and the emergence of utility style computing services as early as 2004…

August 15, 2011 Off

Uncapping the cloud

By David
Grazed from IT Web Virtualisation.  Author: Andre Joubert.

MWEB’s introduction of truly uncapped ADSL has led to tumbling connectivity costs and bandwidth constraints rapidly becoming a distant memory. The playing field has been levelled and South African businesses of all sizes are now free to explore the many benefits cloud computing has to offer.

So says Andre Joubert, GM of MWEB Business, who points out that in regions like North American and Europe, where abundant bandwidth has been a way of life for many years, cloud computing is rapidly becoming mainstream…

August 15, 2011 Off

Beyond virtualization in the private cloud

By David
Grazed from InfoWorld.  Author: Matt Prigge.

Last week, InfoWorld’s David Linthicum made what I think is a very astute and long overdue observation: The term "cloud computing" has approached the point of being meaningless. As he points out, that’s not because nobody can agree on what the cloud is or has been created to do, but because every vendor in the IT space is falling over themselves to tell you just how "cloudy" they are — and spending a mint in marketing dollars to do it. Along the way, they’ve diluted the term to the point where it’s hard to tell what anyone’s really talking about anymore.

August 14, 2011 Off

Transforming unstructured content workflow with Cloud Computing

By David
Grazed from Cloud Computing Best Practices.  Author: Neil McEvoy.

A particularly powerful area to apply Cloud computing is the automation of “unstructured content workflows” – Those business processes conducted manually via Word documents sent via email, conference calls and other multimedia that sits outside of enterprise applications.

Applications like CRM tackle a particular sub-set of processes relevant to customer information, and can often implement workflows like ‘Sales Quote’ for example. However this is just a record for reporting purposes, the actual work itself is achieved through writing it in Word and using email to share it with management for approvals etc…

August 14, 2011 Off

Multicore Architectures for Cloud Computing. A Race not as open as it may appear

By David
Grazed from GLG Research.  Author: Editorial Staff

Multicore server chip development using ARM, MIPS, RISC, or x86 architectures are now all competing for a share of the Cloud computing market. With no clear winner, venture capital money has recently flown to some of them. If past history is to be used as a reference, de-facto standards and strong existing ecosystems will, once again, have the upper hand in the longer term…
August 14, 2011 Off

Events: SYS-CON Events Announces Cloud Expo 2012 New York Venue

By David
Grazed from Sys Con Media.  Author:  Elizabeth White.

"Cloud Expo was announced on February 24, 2007, the day the term ‘cloud computing’ was coined," said Fuat Kircaali, founder and chairman of SYS-CON Events, Inc. "Cloud has become synonymous with ‘computing’ and ‘software’ in two short years, and this event has become the new PC Expo, Comdex, and InternetWorld of our decade. By 2012, more than 50,000 delegates per year will be attending Cloud Expo."

August 13, 2011 Off

10 Takeaways From EMC Forum

By David
Grazed from Enterprise Storage.  Author: Drew Robb.

EMC held its annual forum in Long Beach, Calif. earlier this month. Cloud computing, of course, dominated the messaging. But there were plenty of other subjects in the spotlight. Here are 10 major takeaways from the show….

August 13, 2011 Off

Not all clouds are created equal

By David
Grazed from NewsBytes Phillipines.  Author: Jun Pecho.

The perception of cloud computing as a critical evolution in the way we live and work is rapidly growing, but what the recent spate of high-profile security breaches and service outages have made clear is that technology is only as strong as its weakest link – and it is critical that organizations take a holistic approach to ensure the success of their cloud strategies…