The Benefits of Cloud Computing – Protect your data from hardware mishaps

November 27, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from LifeZette. Author: Dave Taylor.

Created any documents on your computer recently? Updated a spreadsheet while on a flight to Seattle, or edited a short movie for your child’s presentation? How about your smartphone: Taken any photos lately that you’d like to keep forever? Every single one of those files is as risk even as you sit and read this.

Storage devices and memory cards are much more reliable, but the problem is that we humans are still, well, human, and we spill coffee on our laptops, drop our cellphones and break them, and even lose tablets on airplanes in the hustle and bustle of getting off the flight and into the arms of loved ones. It’s inevitable, just as it’s inevitable with computers you’ll power up at some point and see an error message telling you that the hard drive is kaput…

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