Cloud Computing: The Big Switch and Mobile Security

November 27, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from InfoSecurity. Author: Eldar Turvey.

The Big Switch is a book by Nicholas Carr, first published in 2008, that – while making many arguments about the social and moral implications of the modern digital world – drew a strong comparison between cloud computing and the electricity grid. Before the arrival of grids, factories, farms and even some households had their own electricity generators. Each generator owner paid for their own upkeep, maintenance and fuel, and were responsible for their own power supply – and therefore carried 100% of their own risk.

Clearly, this was in many ways inefficient, insecure and unreliable. And so, electricity grids were created. These broke the siloes of access and served local areas, towns and eventually countries. Costs were shared and maintenance and supply were centralized and everyone benefited from better and greater resources being available to all…

The parallel with enterprise cloud computing is of course that rather than each company having its own servers and infrastructure, plugging into the cloud led to massive cost efficiencies, access to resources that were previously unaffordable and therefore enterprise-wide performance improvements…

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