5 Double-Edged Things You Should Know about OpenStack for Cloud Computing

February 25, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from CloudWedge.  Author:  Editorial Staff.

Want to build your own cloud company or even launch a public cloud service? OpenStack is an open source software resource that aims to let you do all of that. It competes with other notable software offerings such as vCloud (paying) from VMware and CloudStack (also open). At another level it also competes with cloud service providers such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft that offer instant cloud computing. But if nonetheless you’re chewing over open and home-grown as the way to go, here are some points to ponder while you plan.

OpenStack is Open

Ho ho, sounds obvious, right? As open source software, anyone can obtain and use the source code, modify it and feed those modifications back into the OpenStack community. This is good for innovation and market-driven development…

This is not so good for getting consistent, coherent information about OpenStack. The Linux community contained this potential drawback of openness by having a central figure (Linus Torvalds) drive and coordinate development. Who will step up to the plate for OpenStack?…

Read more from the source @ http://www.cloudwedge.com/5-double-edged-things-know-openstack-cloud-computing/