Kubernetes Integrates With OpenStack Through Collaboration Between Google And Mirantis

February 25, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from CloudComputingToday.  Author:  Arnal Dayaratna.

On Tuesday, Mirantis announced the integration of OpenStack with Kubernetes, the open source framework developed by Google to manage containers. The integration between OpenStack and Kubernetes enhances the portability of applications between the private cloud infrastructures typical of OpenStack and public cloud environments such as the Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure that support Kubernetes.

Even though Docker containers are well known for enhancing the portability of applications across infrastructures, transporting applications and workloads from private clouds to public clouds remains challenging…

The availability of Kubernetes within (OpenStack) private clouds in addition to public cloud environments now renders it easier to transport containerized applications from private to public clouds and subsequently obtain a greater return on investment from deploying hybrid cloud infrastructures…

Read more from the source @ http://cloud-computing-today.com/2015/02/24/1072347/