VMworld Europe 2012: Key highlights and technology takeaways

October 12, 2012 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from ComputerWeekly. Author: Archana Venkatraman.

Software defined datacentres, cloud management and automation, virtualisation licensing, mobile virtualisation, heterogeneity and the need for IT executives to develop new skills in the cloud era were some of the themes of the VMworld Europe 2012 conference.

“Cloud is a disruptive technology,” said VMware’s new chief executive Pat Gelsinger, in his opening keynote, setting the tone of the Right Here, Right Now conference, heavily focused on cloud computing’s role in datacentres and its automation…

The IT industry is in a fundamental state of change, driven by cloud computing, Gelsinger said. IT has been reactive to business needs a few years ago and it is now at a proactive state, but it needs to go one more level up, to an “inventive” stage where datacentre is managed by automation software, he added.

Today’s datacentre is “like a museum of IT” comprising legacy hardware, mainframes and layers of the databases, said Gelsinger. It is important to change how datacentres are built and operated, he added. A move towards a software defined datacentre will take the industry away from the legacy and hardware-centric infrastructure that is still in use…

Read more from the source @ http://www.computerweekly.com/news/2240165567/VMworld-Europe-2012-Key-highlights-and-technology-takeaways