Xen Project 4.6 released with enhanced security to match challenges in cloud computing, IoT

October 13, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from ComputerTechnologyReview. Author: Anna Ribeiro.

The Xen Project Collaboration Project hosted at The Linux Foundation released Tuesday Xen Project 4.6 focuses on improving code quality, security hardening, enablement of security appliances and release cycle predictability. It also comes with significant amount of contributions from cloud providers, software vendors, hardware vendors, academic researchers and individuals to help with this release.

The community continues to strive to make Xen Project Hypervisor secure open source hypervisor to match security challenges in cloud computing, and for embedded and Internet of Things use-cases. With this release, Xen Project’s Virtual Machine Introspection (VMI) is natively supported on both Intel and ARM chips, making it an ideal API for developers building monitoring and security applications…

Additional updates allow for increased stability, scalability and usability to create a stable baseline for third-party security applications, including malware detection, forensics and security auditing. Updates to the VMI create the foundation for easier integration with IT monitoring tools for more centralized management, while the inclusion of Intel Cache Allocation Technology (CAT) and Memory Bandwidth Monitoring (MBM) enable additional system resources monitoring…

Read more from the source @ http://wwpi.com/xen-project-4-6-released-with-enhanced-security-to-match-challenges-in-cloud-computing-iot/