With Internet Of Things And Big Data, 92% Of Everything We Do Will Be In The Cloud

November 14, 2016 Off By David

Grazed from Forbes. Author: Joe McKendrick.

You don’t need Sherlock Holmes to tell you that cloud computing is on the rise, and that cloud traffic keeps going up. However, it is enlightening to see the degree by which it is increasing, which is, in essence, about to quadruple in the next few years. By that time, 92% percent of workloads will be processed by cloud data centers; versus only eight percent being processed by traditional data centers.

Cisco, which does a decent job of measuring such things, just released estimates that shows cloud traffic likely to rise 3.7-fold by 2020, increasing 3.9 zettabytes (ZB) per year in 2015 (the latest full year data for which data is available) to 14.1 ZB per year by 2020. The big data and associated Internet of Things are a big part of this growth, the study’s authors state…

By 2020, database, analytics and IoT workloads will account for 22% of total business workloads, compared to 20% in 2015. The total volume of data generated by IoT will reach 600 ZB per year by 2020, 275 times higher than projected traffic going from data centers to end users/devices (2.2 ZB); 39 times higher than total projected data center traffic (15.3 ZB)…

Read more from the source @ http://www.forbes.com/sites/joemckendrick/2016/11/13/with-internet-of-things-and-big-data-92-of-everything-we-do-will-be-in-the-cloud/#2644e803593f