Will Cloud Foundry Be Key to Computing’s History?

October 10, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from CMSWire. Author: Virginia Backaitis.

"The times they are a changin’." For anyone who’s not a fan of rock music history that quote may not resonate, but it comes from a song that Bob Dylan wrote in the 1960s. It describes a period when the world began to change how it looked at issues like women’s rights, racism, poverty and social policy.

Though the term wasn’t used at the time, "more democratized" fits the bill pretty well. More people had an opportunity to play a role in their own future. And people began to learn that when they worked together they could get more, and often more significant things, done with greater satisfaction…

It’s interesting to note that at around this same period IBM decided to unbundle the way it sold computing to the world. Rather than offer hardware, services and software exclusively in one expensive package, where you had to buy the whole thing or nothing at all, marketers "unbundled" the components and offered them for sale individually…

Read more from the source @ http://www.cmswire.com/cms/information-management/will-cloud-foundry-be-key-to-computings-history-026800.php