Why Should Enterprises Move To The Cloud?
February 16, 2013Grazed from Business2Community. Author: Pere Hospital.
The idea of Cloud Computing is that an Enterprise instead of purchasing expensive licensed software’s and hardware spends comparatively a fraction of that amount to rent out resources needed to fulfill its Computing requirements (Hardware and Software’s) from a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) via a network system (Internet).
Cloud computing works on the basis of three models:
- Infrastructure as a service (e.g. Servers, Storage, Network)
- Platform as a Service (Database, Web Servers, Development Tools)
- Software as a Service (e.g. CRM, Email, Games)…
Opting for Cloud Computing benefits Enterprises to focus more on their core competencies and worry less about investing in their IT Infrastructure and staffing. Economies of scale can be achieved especially in the case of Public Cloud, where clients share resources, and almost no maintenance is required from their end as all is taken care of and owned by the CSP. It empowers Enterprises to access Cloud services remotely through a Web Browser. Provision for resource scalability is also available during peak usage. Even tools like WordPress Migrator can be very powerful to encourage enterprises to initial the migration towards cloud…
Read more from the source @ http://www.business2community.com/cloud-computing/why-should-enterprises-move-to-the-cloud-0406179