What You Need to Know About Cloud-Based Television
November 21, 2018Article Written by Sally Perkins
You’ve heard of the Internet of Things, but just how much do you know about how deeply integrated your television is or might become into your cloud in the future? Seeing as media companies are the second most-hacked enterprises after banks, the venture into cloud-based television might seem a little daunting. However, as companies all around the world make shifts in their organizational processes and structures to comply with emerging GDPR requirements, television companies, and most notably news organizations, are beginning to dip their feet into the world of cloud-based computing and data. And, they’re actually seeing huge benefits.
Changing Long-Term Traditions in TV Production
Whereas news stations used to have to send out a team of highly-trained and skilled cameramen to shoot a breaking story, emerging technologies are making it possible for news teams to head out into the field with a device as small as a camera and instantly upload the footage to a cloud-based server. This not only cuts down on the amount of time needed to get footage to a news station for editing, but the algorithms present in phones and other filming devices are becoming so advanced that cameramen don’t need to worry about stabilizing or really even adjusting the picture quality. This will lead to advancements in the quality of footage provided and the ability to transmit higher-quality images that will pop out of your television screen.
The Challenges Faced by Media Companies
Media organizations need two things out of a cloud to really survive and thrive in the fast-paced industry: compute resources and the ability to quickly integrate the services into their existing organizational structure. As many media companies employ a very efficient model of uploading and transmitting footage, the ability to integrate cloud-based strategies is one of the most difficult tasks. In fact, IBM found that of the media companies who indicated that they weren’t going to adopt cloud computing, 33% said it was because of the lack of maturity surrounding the solutions and 32% said they wanted to wait for better integration. Another challenge that media companies face is the need for enhanced computing resources, as a lot of power is needed for audio and video processing. As graphics capabilities continue to advance, so will the ability for more media companies to use the technologies and solutions offered by cloud computing.
Benefits to Consumers and Television Addicts
While this all might seem a little irrelevant to the average Netflix binger or DVR addict, there are actually benefits of cloud-based television for consumers as well. As more media companies shift to a cloud-based model, they will not only be able to increase their capacity to share, stream and store content on a cloud that can be accessed anywhere you have an internet connection, but their participation in cloud-based computing and storage will allow security companies to continue to invest in the safety of data in the television industry. This is a win-win for producers and consumers as it provides consumers with a way to personalize their viewing experience while allowing producers to provide a more optimized, higher-quality product.
The Future of Cloud-Based Television
About the Author
Sally Perkins is a professional freelance writer with many years experience across many different areas. She made the move to freelancing from a stressful corporate job and loves the work-life balance it offers her. When not at work, Sally enjoys reading, hiking, spending time with her family and travelling as much as possible.