What Is the ISE Cloud Computing Index?
July 11, 2017Grazed from Fool. Author: Dan Caplinger.
Cloud computing has taken the technology sector by storm, making it possible for major enterprises to gain access to cutting-edge data analytics and storage capacity without building out a huge in-house technology infrastructure framework. Many of the companies that have helped their clients establish their presence in the cloud have performed quite well for investors, and the ongoing trend toward coming up with new technologies makes it likely that cloud computing companies will remain strong. The ISE Cloud Computing Index provides a handy benchmark for investors to use to track the budding industry, and you can even invest in an ETF that offers direct exposure to the index to let you take advantage of its future potential for growth.
What the ISE Cloud Computing Index is and how it works
The ISE Cloud Computing Index was developed by International Securities Exchange ETF Ventures as one of several innovative indexes tracking growing industries and emerging technologies. The business model for ISE ETF Ventures is to come up with attractive index ideas and then find partners to launch exchange traded products, including ETFs…
Read more from the source @ https://www.fool.com/investing/etf/2017/07/10/what-is-the-ise-cloud-computing-index.aspx