Webinar: Citrix Cloud Services – Are they right for you? Pros and Cons

Webinar: Citrix Cloud Services – Are they right for you? Pros and Cons

May 26, 2020 Off By David
Object Storage

Being able to quickly scale up and deploy Citrix quickly to your workforce has never been more important.  And Cloud-based service is a strategic direction for Citrix, one that you cannot ignore if you are a Citrix client.  So what are the benefits of Citrix Cloud and what are the caveats?

If the current global situation is making you consider Citrix Cloud, you will find this webinar “Citrix Cloud Services: are they right for you?” to be very relevant.

Join Citrix Technology Professional, George Spiers as he walks through the pros and cons of migrating to Citrix Cloud.

What you will learn:

  • The Citrix Cloud architecture
  • Architectural considerations when migrating to Citrix Cloud
  • How to decide what stays on-prem and what is in the cloud
  • Performance monitoring: How far do Citrix Director and Performance Analytics go

There will be time for a Q&A with George at the end so don’t forget to bring your questions and get answers to your most pressing migration challenges.

WHEN?  JUNE 2, 2020 @ 9AM ET

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