‘We Go To Cloud Computing To Magnify And Amplify Our Talents, Not Just To Make Things Simpler’

April 23, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from Forbes. Author: Joe McKendrick.

Cloud computing has many variations and nuances, and everyone is doing something different with it. However, there appear to be four distinct phases to the cloud evolution (or revolution?). We’re still early in the process (working our way through the second phase), but ultimately, it will bring organizations to the point in which decision-making is pushed down through the ranks, and traditional business models are cast aside in favor of more entrepreneurial ventures — even within large corporations.

That’s the word from Don Rippert, IBM general manager of cloud strategy, who discussed where the world is at in the progression in a recently released video. Speaking at the company’s InterConnect event, Rippert started off by reminding attendees that the purpose of cloud wasn’t to make things simpler, but rather, “magnify and amplify” the talents of employees…

“Clouds are not designed to make things so simple that a trained dog could do it,” he pointed out. “They’re designed to make things so good that you can build the best possible apps in the shortest time.”…

Read more from the source @ http://www.forbes.com/sites/joemckendrick/2015/04/23/we-go-to-cloud-computing-to-magnify-and-amplify-our-talents-not-just-to-make-things-simpler/