VMware Launches vCloud Air Edge Program for Cloud Startups

January 23, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from TheVarGuy. Author: Michael Cusanelli.

VMware (VMW) is giving small cloud startups a chance to grow their businesses with the launch of vCloud Air Edge, an incubation program designed to help small businesses develop their cloud-centric offerings as well as help launch companies currently developing “new, potentially disrupting enterprise solutions on vCloud Air,” according to the company.

The incubator program was spurred by the popularity of VMware’s cloud-based service programs for independent software vendors looking to leverage the virtualization company’s hybrid cloud solutions. Further interest from venture capitalists, cloud startups and on-premise ISVs convinced VMware to expand the program to startup companies, according to a company blog post…

The vCloud Air Edge program will provide partners with $100,000 worth of cloud credits, with additional support for partners such as one-to-one architectural guidance and joint go-to-market programs, according to the company. VMware will not charge entry fees for the incubator and has promised there will not be any equity disbursement…

Read more from the source @ http://thevarguy.com/hybrid-cloud-infocenter/vmware-launches-vcloud-air-edge-program-cloud-startups