Virtualizaton and it’s role in cloud computing

January 10, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from AlgorithmsAndMe.  Author: Editorial Staff.

Essentially virtualization means to hide the physical object from user and present to him a copy of underlying object. This object can be anything like hardware, servers, or network. In between real object and the end user, they resides a intermediate layer which provides view of real object to user as per his/her requirement.

For example, same hardware is allocated to many users and they install operating systems of their choice on that hardware to use it. Even though there is only one consistent copy of hardware, every user will see it as his copy when accessing through his operating system. Intermediate layer in this case will be software like Virtualbox or VMware etc…

Each simulated machine is called as Virtual machine which is complete and sustainable in itself with copy of operating system in and OS believe that it has all the available resources like physical memory, CPU and storage allocated to it. How hardware is abstracted ?  Hardware abstraction to Virtual machines (VMs) is provided by software called as Hypervisor. There are two kind of hypervisors : Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 hypervisor directly runs on hardware while type 2 runs on operating system in turn runs on hardware directly. We will learn more on this as we move forward…

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