Using REST, cloud bursting to boost SOA cloud performance

January 8, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from TechTarget. Author: Tom Nolle.

The explosion of interest in application componentization, component reuse and orchestration of workflows based on business process needs has stimulated broad adoption of service-oriented architecture principles. As businesses look more to cloud computing, they’re finding it necessary to evaluate their applications to optimize performance in a public, private or hybrid cloud. This means assessing workflows as a guide to component positioning, addressing horizontal scaling for cloud bursting and failover, and hybridizing SOA and representational state transfer (REST) to build elasticity as a layer on top of current SOA applications.

Anyone who uses SOA understands that inter-component information flows can create performance issues if components are divided across data centers in a cloud implementation. Some users have already been forced to consider the system-connection implications of workflows even inside their data centers. Any combination of SOA and the cloud demands that the architects involved review the impact of cloud connectivity and cloud server performance on the workflow and the application overall…

Server performance issues are readily addressed because SOA components run on systems with various levels of performance. However, there is an inherent variability in the use of any form of virtual or shared resource for SOA component hosting. It is important to be aware of any cloud adoption situation where one or more SOA components are moved from a dedicated resource into the cloud. Plan for the lowest level of performance exhibited in the pilot operation and you’re safe…

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