Ubuntu 12.10 brings the cloud Juju

October 19, 2012 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from ITWorld. Author: Brian Proffitt.

Yesterday’s release of Ubuntu 12.10 was met with the usual fanfare as the Canonical and Ubuntu folks, who pretty much grab any chance to party they can get (Jono gets a haircut! Wooo!) celebrated the semi-annual release of one of the more popular Linux distributions.

Much as been said about the desktop side of the distribution. Steven Vaughan-Nichols says the whole thing works fine, albeit pokey; *El Reg* hates the integration of Amazon searching (though somehow they manage to avoid the gratuitous use of the term "boffins"). That’s all well and good, but frankly the bit that caught my eye in the press material coming out was on the server side, where cloud computing is the big news and Unity is background noise…

The integration of OpenStack technology isn’t new, according to Steve George, VP, Communications and Products at Canonical. This is the fifth server release that’s thrown OpenStack bits in. OpenStack code is what powers the Ubuntu Cloud Infrastructure, and 12.10 diligently includes the latest OpenStack release, Folsom.

You may have heard some rumblings in the press about how OpenStack isn’t quite ready for wide-scale deployment because no one’s really put together a commercial product based on OpenStack yet. You’ve certainly heard it here. You may not be hearing that for long, because Canonical’s latest entry in the "who will productize OpenStack first" race is pulling ahead…

Read more from the source @ http://www.itworld.com/cloud-computing/304845/ubuntu-1210-brings-cloud-juju