Twilio Brings Elastic SIP Trunking To The Cloud

March 16, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from TalkinCloud. Author: Mike Vizard.

The single biggest issue with telecommunications has always been how manual the process is. Whether it involves IP infrastructure or older time-division multiplex phone lines provisioning communications services usually involves weeks. Twilio starting today wants to change that by adding support for elastic Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) trunking to a communication service delivered via the cloud.

According to Twilio CEO Jeff Lawson, the elastic SIP trunking services being offered by Twilio can be provisioned in a matter of seconds via an online portal or application programming interface (API) the company exposes. Lawson contends that trying to deliver modern communications services using telecommunications technologies and process that are 150 years old is absurd…

Increasingly, communications services are being embedded inside other applications. Developers are now going to want to wait weeks for a carrier to provision those services. Instead, Lawson said organization of all sizes now need access to communication services on demand…

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