Today’s Tech: How A Startup Attorney Uses Cloud Computing

July 2, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from AboveTheLaw. Author: Nicole Black.

Cloud computing used to be a foreign concept to many lawyers, but these days most lawyers are working in the cloud whether they know it or not. Cloud computing offers so many advantages over traditional on-premises software — including convenience, mobility, flexibility, affordability, and 24/7 access — that it’s hard to avoid using cloud computing for work-related purposes.

That’s why so many lawyers start using cloud computing services like Dropbox to share documents — oftentimes after being prompted to by other lawyers involved in a case — without even realizing they’re collaborating on documents in the cloud. But not all lawyers stumble into the cloud unknowingly…

Some choose cloud computing with their eyes wide open, after carefully researching their options. Steven Ayr is one such lawyer…

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