The State of Cloud Computing vis-à-vis End User Companies

June 10, 2014 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from Business2Community. Author: Jyoti Trehan.

Cloud computing is yet another buzzword that has been metamorphosing constantly. In other words, it continues to grow but the evolution has been very zigzag. A few decades ago, IBM used to offer its mainframes to banks, utilities and other industries on a rental basis and the billing used to be metered. Even today IBM is doing the same thing with much success thanks to the amazing performance of its mainframe servers. However there are various new forms of cloud computing that have made it a common household word.


Salesforce is the company that showcased to the world more than a decade ago what SaaS could do. Having said that, SaaS, with multi-tenancy and metered billing model at the heart of it, is more applicable for product and services companies that offer per use services over the net. A lot of verticals, for better or worse, are not comfortable with the fact that the data lives somewhere outside of their brick and mortar structure…

These fears in the minds of the end user companies take us to the other forms of cloud computing i.e. Paas, Iaas, Hybrid. In short, very little overall IT cost incurred, good service availability and a per use model for user companies is what SaaS brought to the table…

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