The Real Cloud Computing Revolution

July 1, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from CIO. Author: Bernard Golden.

My last post noted that the IT industry appears to suffer from cloud computing ennui, as the number of Google searches for the term over the past two years has dropped significantly. I also said that other evidence indicates that many IT users appear to have put cloud computing in the "done and dusted" category despite not really understanding it very well.

I went on to say that, far from being completed, cloud computing growth is accelerating. The biggest challenge to IT is that end users, frustrated with the leisurely pace of internal IT group cloud implementations, will solve their problems by placing applications in public cloud computing environments…

Predictably, the comments disagreed with me. One took a blase attitude toward the embrace of public clouds, citing the repeated "outsource, than insource" waves within IT and suggesting we’ll soon see a move away from public cloud computing. Another viewed public cloud adoption as a short-term dalliance, as "it’s been proven that in many cases public clouds are more expensive TCO than an in house or a rack in a colo, especially for relatively steady loads."…

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