The People Who Continue To Grow Their Fortunes Using Cloud Technology

February 13, 2018 Off By David
Article Written by Sally Perkins

Cloud technology is hot business right now. 2017 saw American businesses budget $1.77 million on cloud based storage, while IT departments are anticipated to house just 40% of their apps and platforms on in-house systems in 2018. Evidence that the need for cloud technology continues to grow across the world. Utilizing cloud systems is a sound investment for any organization as it’s cost-effective, secure and trustworthy. Therefore, in a world where it’s important to maintain reliable and secure systems, now is the time to take the plunge and use the cloud. Afterall, multiple entrepreneurs across the world have made their fortunes from this technology. 


Cloud Tech Successes 

Arguably, one of the biggest businesses in the world, Amazon, continues to create and offer services which everyone wants. Founder, Jeff Bezos, is worth $56.6 billion, partially thanks to the growing cloud computing branch it offers. Amazingly, 89% of Amazon’s $1 billion profit comes from its cloud computing unit. Proof that even a large company with its fingers in a lot of pies finds cloud technology worth investing in. 

China’s Lei Jun who is currently worth $14.4 billion has also used cloud technology to make his fortune. The creator of smartphone brand Xiaomi joined up with Kingsoft in 2011 to provide cloud-storage facilities for his phones. While, the pioneer of cloud based storage, Marc Benioff, currently has a net worth of $5 billion. 

You could be next 

The common theme amongst all the individuals named above is that they’re self-made billionaires who have come up with great and unique ideas and haven’t been afraid to run with with them. Their existing businesses have grown with the times and they’ve utilized the cloud technology market and have incorporated it into their existing products and services to provide bigger and better items to their customers. This also keeps them relevant in the industry and, ultimately, boosts sales and profit. 

Therefore, if you’ve got an existing tech business which could benefit from cloud technology, or you have a great idea for a piece of cloud software, don’t be afraid to put your ideas out there and look for ways to make your dream a reality. In doing so, you could become the next Jeff Bezos or Lei Jun. 

Funding your Ventures 

Of course, to be able to create your idea and move forward it, it’s likely you will need to actively seek ways to boost your finances. Fortunately, simple changes can be done on a day to basis, such as planning your budget, utilizing discount vouchers and coupons when you go shopping and ditching the car or public transport and walking instead. 

Technology is the way of the world and cloud based storage is brilliant for any business to utilize. Furthermore, the state of the art systems have netted billions for many around the world, so getting to grips with the cloud could lead to bigger and better things for you too.


About the Author

Sally Perkins is a professional freelance writer with many years experience across many different areas. She made the move to freelancing from a stressful corporate job and loves the work-life balance it offers her. When not at work, Sally enjoys reading, hiking, spending time with her family and travelling as much as possible.