The Next Wave of Cloud

September 26, 2013 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from Business2Community. Author: David Grimes.

The next two years will be an exciting period of innovation for cloud computing, especially as more and more businesses fully realize the advantages of adopting cloud services. While cloud’s appeal originally stemmed from the potential to reduce IT infrastructure costs, today’s cloud technology is increasingly adding value through its ability to drive business growth. The next wave of cloud is a huge turning point for businesses that now have the opportunity to transform their entire approach to IT.

We live in an era where technology is rapidly advancing and businesses need to evolve their infrastructure in order to remain competitive. Cloud adopters can immediately access the innovations that come with this next wave of cloud, and in turn improve their own operations and services. Instead of viewing each innovation as a new purchase, companies can transition from a CapEx model to an OpEx model by deploying ‘as-a-Service’ solutions. This allows businesses to continuously iterate their products and services…

The next wave of cloud will also allow businesses to redefine the function of their IT teams. IT teams will be able to break free from their traditional siloed roles within their business and expand their skill sets. Rather than focusing their energies on managing a legacy infrastructure, IT teams transitioning to a cloud infrastructure can focus on gaining skills geared toward supporting business strategies and driving revenue and growth…