The Next Big Innovation In Oil & Gas: Cloud Computing

January 11, 2017 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from OilPrice. Author: Irina Slav.

Oil and gas is hardly the first industry that springs to mind when one mentions cloud computing. The tech that has been expanding at a breakneck pace, disrupting business models and enabling innovation across industry boards, has not really met with a lot of enthusiasm in the energy industry—at least not yet. But this may be about to change.

The silver lining of the 2014 oil price collapse is making itself increasingly obvious: energy companies have had a wake-up call: They must change the way they play the game. Enhancing operational efficiency, keeping costs low, and approaching new projects more cautiously and flexibly are among the changes we have already witnessed…

Deeply rattled by the price crash, Big Oil – and small independent operators, too – is striving to turn into Lean Oil, going for smaller projects to maximize and accelerate investment returns and even venturing into renewables to ensure long-term growth…

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