The EU’s Path to Cloud Regulation

February 23, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from Pymnts. Author: Editorial Staff.

By the end of 2015, Europe could change the way data is transferred across its Member States. The European Commission is knee-deep in exploring cloud computing regulations that would span the EU, but cloud technology often sparks fear of privacy breaches – especially within small businesses.

The way B2B does business in Europe could change significantly with these cloud computing rules, and the Commission will need to juggle the concerns and needs of the industry as it looks to rain the benefits of the cloud upon all businesses. At the fourth annual Think Cloud for Government Conference held earlier this month, the European Commission’s head of software, services and cloud computing Pearse O’Donohue offered an update to the Commission’s cloud regulation efforts, which raises significant concerns for Europe’s B2B industry…

How the B2B Space Will Benefit

According to THINK Cloud for Government, 2015 will see the government boosting its IT spending on the cloud to 50 percent. At the event, O’Donohue encouraged the Commission to take insight offered by the UK’s so-called “G-Cloud” program, which implements cloud technology for the benefit of streamlining government procurement practices. It’s a crucial case study for the EU…

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