The Cloud Goes to Washington: Does It Matter Where Your Data Is?

June 9, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from SysConMedia. Author: Elizabeth White.

Has Washington finally caught on to the cloud? As a "borderless technology," cloud computing is subject to the laws and regulations of many different countries – some more than others. The American legal and regulatory system has recently been paying more attention to cloud computing, so as a result new laws and regulatory regimes may be on the horizon.

In order to make good business decisions, it is important to understand where the legal and regulatory environment is headed and how possible changes might affect cloud computing deployment, adoption, and usage. What is the Supreme Court case The American Broadcasting Companies v. Aereo really about and how is it related to cloud computing?…

What exactly is the FCC doing about Net Neutrality and should the cloud computing industry and enterprises that use cloud be concerned? What new measures are lawmakers taking to address privacy and security concerns in the cloud? What other cloud-related issues are the executive and legislative branch concerned about?…

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