The Cloud Battle Heats Up Between Inc, Google Inc, and Microsoft Corp, and IBM

April 16, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from  Author: Editorial Staff.

Amazon (recently unveiled its cloud-based Amazon Machine Learning (Amazon ML) service. "Machine learning" is how machines make predictions based on accumulated data. Enhancing cloud-based services with machine learning exponentially widens their horizons.

Amazon ML synchronizes with three services: its online storage service S3, its data warehousing solution Redshift, and its Relational Database Service (RDS). These services provide Amazon with a goldmine of data for learning.  Let’s take a closer look at the business of machine learning, and what its growth means for Amazon’s future…

The business of machine learning
Amazon faces three cloud-based rivals in the ML market: Google, IBM, and Microsoft.  Nearly five years ago, Google introduced its Prediction API cloud-based ML service. IBM’s ML effort, Watson Analytics, entered a public beta last December. In February, Microsoft launched its Azure ML service…

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