The Benefits of Cloud Technology for Seniors
July 4, 2017
Whether you like to face the reality of the 21st century or not, an undeniable truth is that technology and the Internet became a paramount part of our daily lives, which without it would be hard to function. Twenty, or even just ten years ago, life looked a bit different, and some people might have never guessed that they would ever have access to such a convenient way to learn about the world out there. Besides making learning and communication extremely convenient, advancements in Cloud technology also provided significant improvements for seniors and upgraded their comfort and safety.
Health-Monitoring Gadget–Senior Wearables
When people enter their golden years, various health complications may arise that can cause worry. High blood pressure, for instance, is one of the most commonly occurring symptoms in seniors, which can now be tracked at all times with innovative senior wearables.
Senior wearables make life easier not only for the wearers but also the caregivers. These are essentially advanced models of healthcare technology that monitor activities on a daily basis and collect data, which is then stored in a Cloud monitoring system that alerts the wearer and caregivers based on their level of concern. Today, there are various high-tech senior wearables available, such as the Withings Pulse Ox or the CarePredict Tempo.
Smart Homes
Mobility might become an issue as people age, and menial activities, like turning off the light can become a strenuous task to some. However, with voice-activated smart homes, seniors can now give instructions, and let technology do its magic.
Smart home devices operate through Cloud-to-Cloud integration. This high-tech process occurs between the partner Cloud and the smart home Cloud; consequently, this mechanism allows smart devices to receive commands, such as turning thermostats up and down, or turning the sprinklers on and off without actually touching the object.
Photo Sharing via Cloud
The days of old paper photo albums are the thing of the past, as even today’s seniors have embraced the beauty and convenience of a touch screen. Today, seniors can enjoy photo sharing with their grandkids via a Cloud platform, and can even edit them to their liking. When sharing photos via a Cloud, one can also control their accessibility.
These examples of innovative Cloud technology serve as a tremendous aid for seniors, as it makes life more comfortable and safer for them. Additionally, with these high-tech innovations, not only do seniors feel safer and more relaxed, but so too do their friends and family.
About the Author
Sally Perkins is a professional freelance writer with many years experience across many different areas. She made the move to freelancing from a stressful corporate job and loves the work-life balance it offers her. When not at work, Sally enjoys reading, hiking, spending time with her family and travelling as much as possible.