Tech Alert: Seven Tips for Using Desktops-as-a-Service

September 27, 2022 Off By David
Object Storage

The pandemic continues to impact the way we work today, with only four percent of companies requiring their full-time workforce to return to the premises, and 90 percent allowing employees to work from home at least part of the time, according to a recent survey of human resources executives.

However, a remote workforce brings added IT requirements including security and flexibility. Out of necessity, enterprises are choosing Desktops-as-a-Service (DaaS) to provide workers with a cloud-based virtual desktop infrastructure for secure, remote access to data and applications to maintain productivity.

Below are seven frequent issues with DaaS systems, according to experts at Leostream, the leading provider of enterprise-grade remote access solutions.

Make it work for everyone

Some work on Macs, some on PCs, and the developers love Linux. All workers need to be supported equally. Make it possible to log in via browsers (any browser) versus installing specific software, since many may be using their own home computers. If workers are on the road with only a tablet and a WiFi hotspot, they still need to be able to work.

Avoid VPNs

Employees become frustrated by VPN slowdowns and interruptions that cut off access to company resources, and often resort to services like Dropbox and Google docs. This can put company data at risk. Ironically, VPNs are fraught with their own vulnerabilities and are frequently targeted in cyberattacks. A gateway that provides secure remote access is far more performant and secure than a VPN.

Don’t hamper productivity

More than 60 percent of workers are now working from home by choice, not necessity, and they are staying productive as ever. DaaS solutions can make it harder to work smarter if it fails to supply sufficient performance for the job function and the applications workers need.

They have different roles

Some work on huge files and some on databases. Some edit documents while some edit videos. Whatever remote access system the company chooses, make sure it’s functional for all roles, even though workloads may be very different.

Allow secure access for outside consultants when needed

Enterprises that work with third parties, such as freelancers, need to be able to grant access to projects and resources, including sensitive information. Consider the needs of temporary and seasonal workers too.

Equity and inclusion extend to tech

Salaries aren’t the same, and neither are the tech resources workers have at home. Even if the company provided identical desktop PCs, employees may not have top-of-the-line internet connection speeds or the latest and greatest phones. A DaaS system needs to remove barriers, not enforce inequity.

Remember you can hire anyone

One big advantage to DaaS is you can hire the best talent, no matter where they live. Conversely, they can jump ship for another opportunity, and work for a company on the other side of the world. Providing the right IT tools for remote work, and staying flexible, can help attract and retain the best people.

“We often focus on how remote access and management tools serve enterprises, the employers, but the main consideration is how they can benefit or hinder workers who use them day in and day out,” said Karen Gondoly, Leostream CEO. “Since the pandemic, employee expectations have changed, and enterprises would be wise to understand that supporting a remote workforce is likely their most important IT goal today.”

Continue learning about the role of remote access in today’s workplace in this paper, “The Future of Work is Here – and It’s Radically Flexible” from Leostream.